Best Settings for League of Legends in 2025

If you are new in League of Legends and wants to be a pro player so you are in the right spot, you just need to change your settings according to your mind. You can not be a good player overnight. To become a good player you have to focus on every small things like Graphics and in-game settings. Lets explore more about League of Legends settings and how can we improve our in-game settings and improve our gameplay.

Best Settings for League of Legends

Quick Cast

As you know there are alot of champions in League of Legends and It’s an extra option that you have to enable if you want to make your champion more fast. Once you get used to the normal cast now it is time to turn it off because it makes your character too slow and wastes your time between battles. It requires some extra clicks if you want to use your best champion powers. So the quick cast option gives you the possibility to use your ability faster.

How to Enable Quick Cast:

  • Open the options menu
  • Go to Hotkeys
  • Click “Quick Cast All
  • click Okay to save

Unlock your Camera Option

New players usually don’t know how to play so they play with a locked camera which makes your game more harder so it is my personal opinion to unlock your camera option. Because everyone who is good in League of Legends definitely advises playing with an unlocked camera. If you do play with a locked camera then you don’t have full vision of what’s going on in the map and you’re only locked to your Champion’s view. if you do play with a locked camera you then don’t have full vision of what’s going on in the map and you’re only locked to your Champion’s view.

 Playing with an unlocked camera gives you the opportunity to check what’s going on in different places on the map and will definitely make your matches better and help you improve your gameplay so now if you want to unlock your camera view just press “Y” button but if you lost your champion no need to worry just press “space” to focus on your champion.

Enable Fast Attack Move

It allows you to move normally as every player do but also attack anything which you click while moving on map.

To Enable Attack Move on your Cursor:

  • Open the options menu.
  • Go to Hotkeys.
  • Set Play Attack Move Click to an extra mouse button (such as MB5).
  • Go to Game and tick “Attack Move on cursor
  • Click Okay to save.

Target Champions Only

During a fight if you want to avoid clicking a minion instead of the champion you’re fighting so enabling this option and binding it is essential to help you become more efficient in fights and make your fighting skills more precise.

To Turn on Target Champions Only:

  • Open the options menu.
  • Go to Hotkeys.
  • Scroll down to Additional Hotkeys.
  • Open Abilities and Summoner Spells.
  • Scroll down to “Other
  • Click on “Target Champions Only” and bind it to a key of your preference.
  • Click Okay to save.

Max Out Your Map

Here are given some options with this you can max out your map and improve your gaming skills and help you in increasing your rank.

To Max Out your map:

  • Open the options menu.
  • Go to Interface.
  • Set the minimap scale to 100.
  • Click Okay to save.

Minimize your HUD

To be able to see as much as you can of the gameplay, you need to Minimize your HUD as the game heavily rewards vision.

To Minimize your HUD:

  • Open the options menu.
  • Set the HUD scale to 0.
  • Click Okay to save.
  • Go to Interface.

Allow your HUD to Display Mana Costs

Just do the given steps to allow your HUD to display mona cost:

  • Open the options menu.
  • Go to Interface.
  • Scroll down to Ability and Attack Display.
  • Enable the “Show Spell Costs” option.
  • Click Okay to save.

Best League of Legends Video Settings

Video Settings are most likely based on your PC specifications so you can just adjust it on the way you like to according to your PC where you ca ejoy a lag free gameplay.


  • Resolution: Fullscreen
  • Windowed Mode: 1920×1080
  • Refresh Rate: 240 Hz
  • Aspect Ratio: 16:9
  • Character Quality: High
  • Effects Quality: High
  • Environment Quality: High
  • Shadows: Low

Best League of Legends Audio Settings

Audio settings in League of Legends depend on what you like and how comfortable you are with the sounds in the game. Some players prefer turning off game sounds to listen to music, while others focus fully on the game without distractions. Open the audio settings and adjust them to what works best for you because your preferences will give you the best experience.

Best League of Legends Mouse Settings

Mouse movement is key in League of Legends and other MOBA games. To improve your mouse movement, you need the right mouse settings for the game which will help you to level up. This helps you move the mouse quickly and accurately so your clicks land in the right spots at the right moments.

Just follow given steps to do best League of Legends muse settings:

  • Turn off Mouse Acceleration from Windows Settings
  • Open the game’s settings, open the Options Menu
  • Set Mouse Speed to 25
  • Camera Move Speed to 20
  • Set Camera Move Speed Keyboard to 50

For more details visit:


The article tells us how to improve League of Legends settings. It suggests using quick cast for faster actions and unlocking the camera for better view of the map. Players should also set attack move and target champions only for better accuracy. Adjusting the minimap size and HUD helps with awareness. Video and audio settings should match what feels best for you. These changes can make playing smoother and more fun and helps you to be a pro player and always update your game for new advance in-game settings.

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