The Best LoL Champions in 2025 for New Players
If you are new in League of Legends and you are curious about choosing champions to enhance your gameplay. I played this game may times so I can tell you which champion has more impact on gameplay. One thing you should remember is to get a grip on champion’s role itself and its basics before committing to it fully. As you all know League of Legends introduced a lot of champions but players choose their own favourite character and make grip on it and in this blog I will help you to choose your champions. Let’s explore more about the best League of Legends SoloQ champions in 2025.

Top Best Champion for New Players
According to my choice, one of the best League of Legends champion for beginners is Darius. It will help new players to improve their ranks.
Top Lane as a role itself sometimes it is also known as “lonely island” due to lack of interaction with jungles and other teammates. The top is a role where you will find bruisers, tanks as well as powerful dualists and some even have built-in self-sustain to their kit to help in laning face.

Darius is a great champion of all time. To start in the top lane, focus on building mostly tanky items. One important item is “Trinity Force” which gives useful stats and damage you need for the game. Darius is a great choice if you want to climb SoloQ and earn League Points.
Some Challenger players even reach the highest rank in League of Legends using this simple champion which has a good impact on their gameplay. Let’s look more closer to his full kit:
Passive ability – Hemorrhage:
Each time Darius attacks, he adds one blood stack to his target, whether it is a champion or a monster. This can stack up to 5 times. When Darius gets 5 stacks on a champion, he gains more attack damage. For a few seconds after that, any enemy he damages will instantly get 5 blood stacks.
Q – Decimate:
Darius has a unique ability It will swing his weapon in a full circle dealing damage to enemy champions or monsters just right on the edge of the full swing, if someone would be super up close the ability doesn’t deal as much damage or give a blood stack and kill them.
W – Crippling Strike:
Darius’s next auto attack will have 25 more range and deal more damage than a standard auto attack and also slowing the target for 90% for 1 second.
E – Apprehend:
Darius will pull his axe in a cone and any of the enemy targets being within the range will get pulled towards him with a rebound effect when pulled in causing them to be airborne and also slowing them by 40% for 1 second.
R – Noxian uillotine:
Darius jumps up into the air with his axe into an enemy target dealing true damage depending on how many passive stacks you have on the enemy, It is always best to use your ultimate when they have 4 or 5 Hemorrhage stacks.
The Best Jungle Champion for New Players
According to my choice, one of the best League of Legends champion for beginners is Xin Zhao. It will also help to level up new players.
Xin Zhao:

Xin Zhao is a great champion to start learning how to play in the jungle. You can build him in two or three different ways if you have some experience. The first way is a bruiser build. The second is a tank build with one damage item. You can also build him with full attack damage if you know how to play him well. Let’s look at his abilities
Passive ability – Determination:
Every 3 damage dack Xin Zhao deals additional damage and heals himself for 3/3.5/4% (based on level) of his maximum health.
Q – Three Talon Strike:
Xin Zhao’s next 3 attacks deal an additional bonus damage and reduce his other ability’s cooldowns by 1 second. Just to let you know the 3rd attack also knocks up the target for 0.75 seconds.
W – Wind Becomes Lightning:
Xin Zhao slashes with his weapon a small half-circle area around him dealing damage, then he thrusts his weapon with a big sword-like area in front dealing big damage, additionally he also slows the target by 50% 1.5 seconds.
E – Audacious Charge:
Xin Zhao charges at the enemy target dealing damage as well as slowing them by 30% for 0.5 seconds. Xin Zhao also gains attack speed for 5 seconds which grows with each point to his ability. When Xin Zhao manages to “Challenge” an enemy his E range also increases.
R – Passive “Challenge”:
The last champion Xin Zhao damaged with an attack or Audacious Charge is Challenged for 3 seconds.
R – Crescent Guard:
Xin Zhao sweeps his spear around him dealing damage to nearby enemies and knocking back all non-challenged enemies. After that Xin Zhao will become immune to any damage coming from enemies outside the sweep range for 4 seconds which is nuts if managed to be utilised well.
The Best Mid Lane Champion for New Players
According to my choice, one of the best League of Legends champion for beginners is Malzahar.

Malzahar is the best mid-lane champion for beginners in League of Legends. It will help them to play League of Legends. The main reason is that he helps you learn wave management, which is one of the most important skills in the game.
Malzahar’s passive ability is Void Shift. If you have not taken damage or crowd control recently, you get strong damage reduction and immunity to crowd control. This effect lasts for a short time after taking damage.
Q – Call of the Void:
Malzahar opens two portals to the void that fire projectile inward damage between two portals and silences anyone in it.
W – Void Swarm:
Malzahar summons a Voidling and another additional Voidling per how many stacks he got on his W, stacks can be gained by using your other abilities to a maximum of 2.
E – Malefic Visions:
Malzahar gives any target that he wishes a point-on-click a disease that deals certain damage for over 4 seconds. When your target dies, it will spread to the nearest target.
R – Nether Grasp:
Malzahar suppresses an enemy champion while dealing damage for over 2.5 seconds. A zone of negative energy is also created around his target, dealing additional damage for over 5 seconds.
The Best Support Champion for New Players
According to my choice, one of the best League of Legends champion for beginners is Braum.

Braum is slightly complex but not too much and overall, just the best support champion for beginners in League of Legends. In terms of complexity, we are of course talking about his overall kit since it takes quite a few games to understand it fully but when we look at his abilities below you will get a nice shortcut understanding of the abilities fully on how they work:
Passive ability – Concussive Blows:
Braum’s basic attacks will apply Concussive Blows, once the first stack is applied by Braum on any enemy character or monster your teammate can also stack Concussive Blows by using basic attacks. When it reaches 4 stacks it will stun the target for a few seconds.
Q – Winter’s Bite:
Braum launches freezing ice from his shield dealing damage to the target as well as giving them 70% slow for 2 seconds & applying “Concussive Blows” stack.
W – Stand Behind Me:
Braum leaps to any of his allies this counts minions as well as champions. On arrival, Braum grants the allay of choice some armour and magic resist for 3 seconds and himself.
E – Unbreakable:
Braum raises his shield for a few seconds in the given direction which cannot be changed after raising it. The very first missile or projectable thrown upon our shield will deal no damage to Braum but subsequent missiles will deal reduced damage that scales with points in your “E”.
R – Glacial Fissure:
Braum slams the ground sending in a straight line an ice fissure that travels with ice spikes coming out of it that will knock up any target on its trajectory as well as around Braum. Afterwards, if any enemy walks on it they will get slowed.
Final Thoughts:
In above blog we have discussed about champions that are easy to play are great for beginners. Once you practice them for a while, you will get better at them really fast. These champions are usually ranked high on the League of Legends tier list because they have been strong in the current meta for a while.
The Jungle role is probably the most important to learn because many players struggle with it. If you can master Jungling, you’ll have an advantage over most new players. A champion like Xin Zhao is a good choice because he’s strong and easy to play in the Jungle.